This Love

Paul Abro's latest track - recorded live at the Youngblood series - Performing with Lionel Bastos Monique Hellenberg , Brett Schlessinger and Rupert Mellor.

Silly Circles

Paul Abro's latest Single - recorded live at the Youngblood series - Performing with Lionel Bastos Monique Hellenberg , Brett Schlessinger and Rupert Mellor.

Angels Collide (Live at the Broadcasting Corporation)

The words say …

Some of the wise elders of our time tell us that sometimes relationships are not meant to last forever. As jarring as that is to our senses – having been imprinted by fairy tales –as children – and trying as hard as we can to live out the happily ever after paradigm , there is a lot to their wisdom that begs examination!

As good as everything looks on paper and seemed in the beginning, the end of a romance is sometimes inevitable – and that end – because of the happily ever after paradigm is often seen as a dismal failure, when compared to the endless streams of Hollywood films , and books and love songs ...


Next Time (Live at the Broadcasting Corporation)

The words say …

“She is a dedicated student of love and – she’s trying to discover – what’s up is down – what’s in is out we’re ever changing colors, kaleidoscopes of dreams and hopes reflected in our lovers – she is trying to believe again – that life invites her here to breath again – so love come crack her open wide – let her go inside – for her I can do better next time.”


To the Moon (Live at the Broadcasting Corporation)

Once in a blue moon - or maybe more often - much more often - a love comes into our orbit that feels so other-worldly, it feels like a warm new sunrise, and opens us up to more of who we are and who we want to become.

‘ To the Moon’ is a song about such a love.


What people are saying...


What an incredible album. From the first song to the last it keeps you captivated. I spend most of my time listening in my car and hate the short distances when I don't get to hear the entire cd. It is a soulful album and the lyrics seem to touch directly from Paul's heart to yours. The only CD in my collection I can listen to 15 times in a row and not get sick of! Fabulous!