Next Time (Live at the Broadcasting Corporation)

The words say …

“She is a dedicated student of love and – she’s trying to discover – what’s up is down – what’s in is out we’re ever changing colors, kaleidoscopes of dreams and hopes reflected in our lovers – she is trying to believe again – that life invites her here to breath again – so love come crack her open wide – let her go inside – for her I can do better next time.”

To those of us, like me, who often have to try again, to get it right the first time, the song Next Time is a sweet reminder, of care, forgiveness and courage – that fairy tales can come true – they may just take a while longer than first expected. Anyway! As if all confusion and heartache – isn’t enough after the disappointment of a first time attempt – there is still the self judgment and berating that speaks out loudly holding us to a so called self account!

How heavily self-judgment befalls the moments after a ‘failed’ anything. How long it takes to assemble the courage to step out again with the hope of a victory… Next Time!

Somewhere waiting deep inside the core of who we are – lies our resilient ability to come back from the feeling of less than; surely the words …next time must be firmly etched in our DNA? We are such a robust species - we must be... We are still here!

Of all things that require the struggle of commitment and perseverance – the next time mantra – invites us to make that come back --step back into the sphere of influence – get back into the ring – back up onto the horse – whew! The metaphors are endless!

If it was a race for you – a test for me – a challenge to overcome, for us – our willingness to triumph over adversity – is surely one of the oldest gels that has glued Man and Womankind together since the beginning of time.

Therefore, however you travel –fast or slow - to make it work the first– or the next time… next time… Please carry yourself gently! Like the song says!


* Video edited by Lara Taylor and Bernard Joffa

What people are saying...

Manuela Viana - London

This music seems to capture the very spirit from where Paul comes from. It’s filled with that sublime breeziness that is Cape Town. That immediate sense of being able to drop into a tranquil space, where beauty is enough to make you feel contented.